Printable Invitations

The perfect invitation to the perfect party! You child’s friends will love bringing the big magic ticket invitation to the party. If you print one of these, you’ll also have my phone number (913) 219-7804 printed as the ticket number! The purpose of this page is as a nice free service to everyone looking for a nice free printable birthday party invitation with a nice ticket style.

If you’re in the Kansas City area and looking for a magician, please contact me for pricing and availability.

Although I’m a magician in Kansas City, I realize that many of our visitors come from around the world. Feel free to use this printable birthday party invitation for just about any kind of magic-themed birthday party. Just print it out and fill in the info. Simple and easy.

ADMIT ONE “This is your ticket to a very special magical birthday party.” Including lines: For, Date, Time, Place, and RSVP.

(click image to enlarge for printing)


Click for easy printer-friendly page that prints 2 cards per page.

This is the way to get the highest-quality print. Remember that print preview is your friend as you can usually print a couple per page. Also, you may want to open up the invitation and type your party details over it, if you have a basic image editor. Or perhaps you want to just print one out, hand-write the information, and then just get copies made. Or scan it back in (if you have a scanner) and then print the results.

This printable birthday invitation is all set up to print 2 cards per page. For an added touch, you can use heavy card stock, or lightly colored paper. Write the invitee’s name on the back, or fold in half and write their name on the front.

Some people even have taken black construction paper, and used rubber-cement to glue a smaller invitation on the inside of the black construction paper. Fold that piece of paper in half, and then glue this ticket invitation over the top of that. You can glue it over the top at a 30 degree angle for some added depth.

I do plan to add more free printable birthday party invitations in the future! Email me if there is a specific theme you’d like designed!